10 Things that will Get You Great Skin!

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Spring is in the air and you know what that means! Time for spring cleaning, to ramp up your exercise routine in anticipation of summer and hopefully a sense of renewal as the winter blues melt away. I had to share what I read on the Derm RF Blog because it's great news! There are 10 things women with great skin do, and you're probably already doing most! If not, they're quite simple additions! 


1. EAT WELL. Like I said, good news right?! If you aren't already on the healthy food train, here's one more piece of encouragement! What you put into your body is as important as the products you put on your face. Eat a healthy diet, including a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. They’re packed with vitamins and antioxidants that can do wonders for your complexion.

If you've fallen off the train this winter, I bet you noticed your skin became dull or you suffered from more frequent breakouts... time to make a change!

2. Drink lots of water. When you’re properly hydrated, your skin looks and feels softer, smoother and younger. This one is even easier to achieve! If you haven't been on top of it, grab a cute water bottle, like this one, and add a water tracker to your daily planner or MyFitnessPal to make sure your intake is on point! You can also try jazzing up your water with these recipes!

3. Exercise regularly: Daily exercise not only boosts your mood; it relieves stress, improves circulation and can lead to more radiant skin. It gets better. Studies show that it also helps your increase your life expectancy and lower your risk of death. Get at least 150 minutes per week to maximize the benefits. I love getting my minutes in at OrangeTheory Fitness :) If you haven't found a workout that makes you want to get going every day, then it's time to put some focus on it!

4. Hands off. Did you know that breakout-triggering, pore-clogging bacteria is everywhere?  Gross! If you're someone who has a habit of touching your face, it's time to kick it once and for all! If you have to, wash your hands with soap and water first. Keep the other objects that touch your face as germ-free as possible, too. Clean your cell phone regularly (I love these wipes), and sanitize your makeup brushes and applicators weekly. Don't forget your pillow cases!

5. Wash nightly. This one seems obvious to me, but if you currently skip a few nights, here's some motivation: "This proved what my mirror reflected: my face genuinely has aged by as much as ten years in a month, and all because I didn’t take my make-up off."  Each day, your skin is exposed to pollution, bacteria, sweat and grime, not to mention makeup. Be diligent about taking the time to remove your makeup and wash your face every night, since that's something you can control! 

6. Wear SPF. We've all heard this one, but have you been following through? If you're like me and want things simple and already set up for you (this bleeds into all areas of my life), I recommend getting a skincare regimen that includes a wash (step #5), toner and moisturizer with SPF so that you know you're getting all you need! Then use it morning and night for best results.

7. Seek shade. Speaking of the sun, your best bet is to stay out of it. Sport a cute hat and large sunglasses to protect your face and eyes from damaging rays. This will help you avoid skin issues that sun exposure causes, like premature aging, wrinkles and sun spots. 

8. Cleanse kindly. Research shows that we should stick to lukewarm water (too-cold or too-hot water can be irritating) and avoid overzealous scrubbing... this is definitely an area I struggle with. I LOVE hot showers! Time to make a change :/ 

9. Exfoliate regularly. Most clients I speak to miss this super important part of their skincare routine. You should use a gentle product, like ENHANCEMENTS Micro-Dermabrasion Paste, on your face and body up to three times per week to reveal brighter, smoother and softer-looking skin!

10. Moisturize daily. As you age, natural moisture levels decrease. If skin is over dry, it can become easily irritated or start over-producing oil. If you're like me and struggled to achieve balanced skin your whole life, age has nothing to do with it-- moisturizing is a must! Did you know you can go beyond moisturizing and hydrate your skin as well? Active Hydration Serum, according to an 8-day U.S. clinical study, it increases hydration levels by 200% after just one use and keeps it there for eight hours.

Is this list missing anything? Share your best skincare tips in the comments!

love + gratitude,



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