Made Up On The Go Beauty Services: Bridal Hair, Skin + Makeup

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How to Choose The Right Bridal Look for You - Style And Comfort That Feels True to You

When choosing your bridal look, resist the temptation to pin every pretty thing you see. The right bridal look for you is the one that makes you sparkle inside and out!

Instead, do a little self-reflection. Set the intention to create a bridal look that's equal parts style and comfort. Ultimately on your wedding day, we want you 200% feeling like you! Cheers to that, right!

Discovering Bridal Looks

My advice, spend some time looking for hair + makeup inspa on:

Bonus Tip: On the designer websites, look to see how their style team styles specific dresses. This will help you reflect on what you do or don’t like in a bridal look before you even start trying things on. If it’s up, do you like it up?..

Bridal Makeup

No. 1 Look-A-Likes

Look for images where models are similar to you in terms of face and eye shape, skin tone, and hair color; focus on enhancing your natural beauty. Remember, artists use techniques to make your look pop, such as complementary colors, strategic highlighting, etc.

No. 2 Ask Why!?

Ask yourself what precisely you like about the looks you are choosing: the eyes, lips, skin, or general feel. Is it the colors or just the intensity of the look? Is it the liner? 

No. 3 Accentuate...

...your favorite features! If you love your eyes, find looks that accentuate your eye shape. If you love your lips, be sure to check out the latest lip trends. You'll want to play up all your faves to your bridal experience positive and empowering! #selflove

No. 4 LIPS!!!

Last but not least, lips! This is a huge one. The finish is KEY! You may love a color in the tube and be confused to find you hate it on your lip. Many times, you simply dislike the finish or application style. If you find yourself in this predicament, try adding a gloss by dabbing just the center of your lips to add a shine if it was matte. If it’s a gloss finish, try blotting with a paper towel 2-3 times to get a more matte finish where only the color is showing. If you used liner, try again with just the lip color or only the liner shaded on your lip. Also, consider adjusting the amount you're applying. You may need a little more or maybe a little less. Finally, if you still dislike that "dream" color of yours, look for the same shade with the opposite undertone, cool vs. warm. Sometimes it really is that simple!

Bridal Hair

No. 1 Look-A-Likes Again

Look for styles with models whose hair is similar in length and thickness. Pay attention to details such as volume, height placement, and the front, side, and back views.

No. 2 Vibes

Keep your overall vibe in mind. Are you boho chic? Do you prefer soft and romantic? Is your fav a slicked-back look? Do you like hair in your face or pulled back?

No. 3 Tips for Dark Hair

If you have dark hair, but all the styles you're choosing are showcased on blonde models, the style will look completely different on you. Blonde hair shows much more detail than dark hair. And dark hair is just as gorgeous. Adding highlights can add dimension on your big day. Extensions - 1 shade lighter - are also a great temporary option for adding depth to a look. Finally, consider adding fun accessories like bridal vines or metallic rope to make your look pop.

No. 4 Full Long Looks

If you have your heart set on a super full or long look, ask your stylist about extensions! The majority of the images you see on Pinterest are models wearing a ton of hair extensions! Be sure to pay attention to their weight of the extensions your planning to use. I recommend 160g+ to accomplish a full and natural look!

Bridal Styling

One of my favorite NYC luxury bridal stylists Kira, a bridal styling genius and Made Up On The Go alumni, shared her KEY tips specifically for this article. 

Here is what she said:

“Pick the dress that makes you feel the most authentically you. Your fiancé fell in love with you for you. Wear a dress that embodies who you are and fits your style and personality.

Take your venue/season into consideration. You don’t have to be ‘married’ to a theme (pun absolutely intended), but you wouldn’t wear a silk slip dress in a ballroom in February or a satin ball gown on a beach in August. Stay true to who you are, but let your location, your season, and formality guide you towards your perfect dress.

DON’T TRY ON A DRESS OVER YOUR BUDGET! There are beautiful gowns at literally every price point, but a $6000 dress will likely be made of a higher-end material than a $2000 dress. It may be hard to un-see (or un-feel) the difference once you find a dress you love that’s out of your budget.”

I genuinely hope this helps you to bench any bridal beauty overwhelm. Always reach out to me with questions! I would be honored to be a part of your special day!!

Peace + Prosperity,
