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How To Take The Perfect #Selfie by Celebrity Makeup Artist Mary-Ashanti: Step 1


I must admit, ever since I had my first front face camera I became a #selfiequeen. I literally remember the first week I had my new iPhone, being in the bank and while the banker was talking to me, I was legit snapping selfies. I know, I know it sounds completely conceited and like I have a huge ego but honestly, I worked really hard at learning my angles because I have a super defined jawline so growing up a lot of my pictures were... let's just say... awkward.

Needless to say, through many smizing lessons with my old #gbf & tons of photo shoots just for fun, I have come up with the perfect super simple formula for any beauty to turn their ordinary pictures into yassssss queen selfies, YOU. ARE. WELCOME. For the next five days, I'm going to hold your hand through each step!

STEP #1: Lighting:

The quality of your pictures has everything to do with lighting. Which is why it's the very the first thing you need to pay attention to that. Natural light is for sure the absolute best, so it may be worth it to get ready a little earlier so you can catch the natural sunlight! Also keep in mind that you always want light facing you. So even if you're outside, see if you can catch some rays your way. When taking a selfie indoors try to rig your lighting to hit your face by all means necessary!

PRO Tip: If you're in your bathroom and you have a few light bulbs either above or around your mirror, you want to take a white towel and cover one or two to diffuse the light bulbs, making your skin do this magical 'I woke up like this' thing and there you go :) The key is to make sure the towels are white. I would play around with which bulbs you cover (depends on your height, etc) and compare until you find the perfect formula. If you have bathroom lighting that is super bright and above your head try walking into your hallway with the hallway light off and the bathroom light on (facing the light so it's in front of you) and you will get the same affect. If you are in your bedroom and you have a stand up light angle it so that its hitting your face.

I have key places in my house that I know I love the lighting and always go there to take pictures. Taking the time to figure out that spot is definitely worth and can be a total upgrade!

I'll be back tomorrow with Step #2 of 5 Steps to Master the #Selfie! In the meantime, go work on that lighting!! Love you!


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