How to Get Falsie Worthy Lashes that are All Yours! #ALLnatural
Lavish Yourself with Epic Lashes!
We were all about falsies and lash extensions (Mary-Ashanti is even certified in applying individuals) but why go through all that trouble when your natural lashes can become everything you've hoped they would be?! I actually discovered this product while wearing falsies, so you know my heart skipped a beat! Could it be true?! Longer, fuller, darker looking lashes without making a mess gluing something to my lid?!
Rodan + Fields Lash Boost is pretty much exactly what it's name implies. It uses ingredients that are great for your eyelash hairs to nourish, protect and moisturize them so they grow big and strong, creating longer, darker and fuller looking lashes! So I said, sign me up!
One use on left eye after a few hours. No mascara.
Wearing Sephora Mascara after 4 weeks.
Wearing Sephora Mascara after 8 weeks.
I was so excited to share this product that I put the first swipe on my eye while going live, and totally forgot to take a before picture for about an hour. When I finally did, I was amazed to see that I already had results! Now this is a long term use product, but danggggg Gina check out that left eye! Now at the time I didn't consider my lashes wimpy, but just giving my lashes some nutrients definitely gave them a boost!
Aside from the immediate boost, I saw my lashes get darker, fuller and longer in about 4 weeks. By 8 weeks (which was the holiday season), my sisters were convinced I was wearing mascara and I had to let them get up close and personal. They could not believe it!
After a few weeks I had to switch mascara's because my Mabelline Volumizing mascara was clumping up my gorgeous long lashes! In the pictures above I'm wearing Sephora mascara.
For me, the best part about Lash Boost's ability to create stunning dark, full, healthy lashes, is how simple it is to use. It takes just one swipe a night to get results. You swipe each eye like you do with eyeliner and go to sleep, that's it! No need for the long wait at the salon and even longer lash extension application process!
I'm a super simple, no makeup type of a girl, so now that my lashes are so full, I rarely wear mascara unless I'm going to an event. It's just too much for my daily look-- now that's an amazing problem to have right?!
I found it really difficult to get good pictures of my results (my lashes literally hit my lid when I blink) so I put on eyeliner and my favorite gold shadow to show them off a little more in the picture below.
No mascara, just shadow and lines-- #lovingmylashes!!
So clearly, this is how I feel about Lash Boost! I would love to add you to the list of lovely ladies we've helped get poppin lashes! Worried for some reason it won't work for you? If for any reason you aren't satisfied, you can mail it back for a full refund! #reasonsiloveRF
Click below to get yours now! Be sure to Save 10% and get FREE shipping by becoming a Preferred Customer before you check out.
Or sign up for a super fun, FREE personalized skincare consultation with me (literally one of my favorite things to do)!!
Reach out to me with any questions you have about Lash Boost, my results, or anything at all-- you know I'm obsessed with learning your story and supporting any way I can!! And share my results with your girl that's been longing for some bomb lashes (pun intended). You know, your girl dishing out $250+ a month for lash extensions ;) Let's save her some time and money!
Talk soon!
Love + gratitude,